NCACAA Reaching New Heights

North Carolina Association of County Agricultural Agents
2001 Annual State Meeting
Holiday Inn Sunspree Resort, Asheville
June 26-28, 2001

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Orville Hicks

Banquet Entertainment

Written by Mr. & Mrs. Orville Hicks, Sr.

Orville Hicks tells tales for any age group. He tells tales at Schools, Festivals, Universities, Libraries, Conferences, Meetings, Conventions, Birthdays Parties, etc. He has been a telling tales for around twelve years or more out to the public. He has traveled all over everywhere a telling his tales. He has been on several different radio stations, and t.v. stations. He has been featured in several different newspapers and magazines. Including in one of the most recent ones, was the our state magazine back in the Sep. 99 issue of it. He has also received several different awards for his story telling. He has recieved one from the Governor of Kentucky. The Kentucky Colonel Award. He recieved the Brown Hudson Folklore Award, From the State of North Carolina. He was the youngest person to ever recieve it. With the most recent one, back in November, 99. From the Historic Society of North Carolina. The Paul Green Award. For his new C.D. Entitled, Mule Egg Seller and Appalachian Storyteller.

He grew up a listening to Storytelling as a way of entertainment. Mostly from his Mother, because they didn't have any electricity or a T.V. in the house at that time. So they really didn't have much to do for entertainment at that time. They did not get any electricity in the house until he was fourteen years old. So he learned the tales by a listening to his Mom tell them. Before ever going out to tell the tales to the public, He would tell them to our five sons at bedtime before they would go to sleep at night. He had told our sons for over sixteen years before ever going out to tell in public. So by then he had already gotten alot of experience in a telling them. But he just hadn't been telling any out to the public at that time yet. He has out to sell to the public. 2 Cassette Tapes. 1 C.D. 1 Video. 1 Book. With the possibility of making more Tapes and Things in the near future.

Orville Hicks Sr. & Sylvia Hicks
2625 Old NC Hwy 60
Boone, North Carolina 28607