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NCACAA General Meeting


June 27, 2001

Holiday Inn Sunspree, Asheville, NC

Johnny Hensley presided.

Jack Loudermilk, parliamentarian, explained some rules of order for the meeting to run quickly and smoothly.

Minutes and Secretary's Report - Cyndi Lauderdale

Cyndi said that the minutes of last year's meeting were available in the 2000-2001 Annual Report. Also minutes of the annual meeting and all board meetings are posted on the NCACAA web site, thanks to John Dorner. Cyndi also told the actions of the board over the last year: 10 scholarships were offered, $65, for members to attend the Biotechnology Conference; all financial requests to the board must be received in writing; $300 given for the 2000 Horn of Plenty and $255 ($1 per member) to the 2001 Horn of Plenty; formed a 2004 Bid Committee, one representative from each district, but membership can be more; paid retired agents starting in 2001, life membership dues ($25) and one year subscription to the County Agent magazine ($10); raised the 1st place communication, PRIDE, livestock and crop production awards to $100 and 2nd place to $50. DSA winners will be awarded $1,000 like AA winners. Starting at the 2002 state meeting to receive cash awards you must be present at the annual meeting; waived 1st time attendee registration fee to state meeting, contributed $2000 to the Secretaries association; adopted a written policy on holding the state annual meeting, it distinguishes who is financially responsible for activities; will host a breakfast at the Savannah Georgia NACAA Meeting. Hearing no corrections Johnny Hensley said the minutes were approved.

Treasurer's Report - Nancy Keith

Nancy passed out copies of the treasurer's report. The yearly report for 2000 covers January 1-December 31, 2000. Balance for December 31, 1999 in the checking account was $11,418.81. Total income was $16,784.00. Total expenses were $27,080.12. Checkbook balance at the end of the year was $1,122.69. Outstanding checks were $186.40 giving a bank balance of $1,309.09 at the end of December 2000.

A report from December 30, 2000 through June 21, 2001 shows a beginning check balance of $1,122.69. Income was $18,534.00. Expenses were $17,677.69. Current checkbook balance was $597.00. Outstanding checks (including award checks) were $4,832.00, a deposit to cover award checks on 6/15 was $6,214.00, giving a current bank statement of $1,979.00.

Books were audited.

Treasurers' report was approved as printed.

Trust Fund

A written report by Everett Davis was given by Rett Davis. Totals will not be printed but can be given to members by request. Charlotte '88 Trust Funds have not faired well last year, a decrease of 18.89%. The board elected to endure the course. The Board Trust Funds are down 4.77%. Funds are being used for increase awards to our members. Taylor Williams asked about load funds and operating expenses. Rett will check this.

Committee Reports

Benevolence - Jeff Carpenter

Members who were lost this year were acknowledged with a moment of silence: Willard Kimrey, James Ray, Warren Barnes, and Paul Seabolt. Read card from the Jim Ray family. An additional death was Cyrus Greene. Jeff will follow up on that. It was also mentioned that Bob Breland has been in a serious car accident in which his son was killed. The family can be reached at Bob and Joyce Breland, P.O. Box 232, Jefferson, N.C. 28640.

Nominating - Richard Melton

Slate presented was President - Johnny Hensley, President-Elect - Walter Earle, Vice President - Marjorie Rayburn, Secretary - Cyndi Lauderdale and Treasurer - Nancy Keith. Nominations from the floor were called for. There was none. The motion to accept this slate of officers was firsted by Jim Daughtry and seconded by Matt Miller. Motion passed.

Membership Services - Jim Daughtry

Showed the marketing/promotional tools of Extension including hats, caps and shirts. Encouraged to keep membership up.

Constitution, By-Laws, and Policy - Rett Davis

The Annual Report is costing about $1,000 to print yearly. Rett made the proposal in the form of a motion to change the word publish to make available on the NCACAA website. Called for question by Paul McKensie. The question was seconded and passed. The motion passed.

Teaching and Communications - Ross Young

John Dorner was not in attendance due to a death in the family. We appreciate all John has done on the web and for the State meeting. John is getting as much on the web as possible. Needs help putting things on the web. Please let him know if you can help him. Johnny encouraged each district to have a web page.

Awards and Recognition - Eric Spaulding

Named the district chairpersons and encouraged members to get their applications to them by July 15. Applications are new again this year. Do not use the applications that are on the web. The AA donor has stopped the $800 funding for the past two years. This will be brought up to the board in October. DSA winners are Nancy Keith, Richard Melton, James Parson, Bill Skelton, and Kenneth Bateman. AA winners are Cyndi Lauderdale, Jeffrey Vance, Frank Winslow, Molly Sandfoss, Matt Martin, Katherine Holmes, and Dalton Dockery. Young Agent Winner is Brian Beer. Jim Hudson is the Service of Agriculture winner. Fred Miller mentioned that he hopes we will try to find someone for the Sunbelt Expo Award.

Early Career - Kathy Dugan

Foundation sponsored new agents travel to Jacksonville. Wanting new activities.

Horticulture - Danny Lauderdale

Cyndi Lauderdale won the Pre-AM Horticulture Tour. There was only one applicant. No applications were turned in for the RISE Horticulture tour. Encouraged Horticulture agents to apply next year.

Animal Science - Frank Bolick

Gerda Rhodes won the Pre-AM Animal Science tour.

Agricultural Economics - Carl Pless

You can make presentations at National meetings, see County Ag. Agent Magazine for details. CRD programming is not recognized but Carl can work with you to present these efforts at the National meeting.

Agronomy and Pest Management - Al Cochran

No report.

State Meeting Sponsors - Walter Earle

Asked sponsors who had exhibits in the hall to come and be recognized by a round of applause. The sponsor names and addresses are posted on our web site. Please send thank you notes to our sponsors. Please also email (Walter's secretary) for the help she played in securing the funding.

2004 Bid Committee - Sam Groce

Our contact with the Greensboro Tourism Board has left. Told some benefits of the Sheraton Four Seasons. The committee has met and has responsibilities. Bob Edwards - Hospitality, Lisa Wimpfheimer - Finance, Danny Lauderdale - Program, Norman Harrell - Tours, and Sam Groce - Facilities. Most work will be in 2003. Dates picked July 13-17, July 20-24 and July 27-31, 2008, in preference order. We have spoked to NC State, 4H and FCES, to tell them our dates and they will plan their meetings around us. Please remember we cannot say we are bidding for 2008 until 2004. There was some discussion of co-hosting with South Carolina in 2006. We have decided not to do this. There is a rumor that Louisiana may want to hold the 2008 meeting.

National Report - Kenneth White, Southern Region Director

Complimented us on how well we do things in North Carolina. NACAA voted to join with the Jaycees to recognize young farmers. Nominations on the National level are V. Pres. - Perry Lee, MS; Frank FitzSimmons, SC; and Kenneth Williams, Arkansas. Sec. - Neal Broadwater, Minnesota; Steve Haddock, NY; and Micky Cummings, GA. He handed out a written report that included details about NACAA decreasing assets, scholarship summary, officers and rotation schedule. Encouraged us to get involved and attend the Southern Regional meeting, Monday, August 6, 3 PM, at the National meeting in New Mexico.

Federation Report - JB Coltrain

Reported that the NCACAA is responsible for reviewing EMAPS. Any suggestions or questions concerning EMAPS should be sent to JB by October 15. The NC Soybean Association pays for our Federation dues. Asked for the NCACAA secretary to write a thank you note to Jim Wilder for their support. Cyndi will take care of this.

Hospitality Room - Bob Edwards

Monday night only. Please email Bob if you are willing to work. Also, do not forget to bring items for the scholarship auction. NC delegates are asked to wear bib overalls for the hospitality suite.

Agent/Specialist Retreat - Dr. Doug Sanders, NC State Hort. Ext. Specialist

"A Look to the Future" to be held at Brown Summit on November 6-8. Look at the change of agriculture in the next 5, 10, and 25 years. Topics are World Ag., National Ag., Communication changes, and stakeholders. Keynote speakers are invited. Results will be written in a report. Agents will receive invitations next week. Funding will be provided. Horticulture Agents would like to point out several of them are committed to their clients taking the Certified Landscape Technician Exam during this time.

President's Report - James Cochran

Encourage the membership to get involved. We have had budget concerns and changes but look to the bright side. Mentioned that although times are tough in Agriculture, Walter Earle raised more funds than the past several years. He is pleased that the board adopted a written policy for a two-day state meeting. This will help with accounting issues. Would like to see Ag Agents on a List Serve. Thanked John Dorner for all his work on the web site. We want to make sure we do not go below 250 in membership or we lose voting delegates. Thanked all the committee chairs for their work throughout the year. The board has tried to increase Administrative involvement in our board meetings and he hopes this will continue. The board is very dedicated to the member's well-fare. James feels we are in a good position for 2008. He would also like to see the NCACAA meet for a meal at Annual Conference. Currently we only met once a year, it would be good to meet more often. He will email an official report. Johnny Hensley thanked James for all he has done over the past three years in office.

Administration Report - Roger Crickenberger

Roger thinks it would be good to make sure each year we have a farmer nomination for the Sunbelt Expo. He discussed a few names and we now have a nomination. He thanked officers and committee members of the state meeting. He apologized for Dr. Ort not being able to join us. He is very busy. We are trying to get him to join us for the National Meeting in Savannah. We all know the Extension situation and he thanked us on behalf of the LDR & CRD, Director and the Dean's office with our continued flexibility and excellence to North Carolina. He also thanked the agents for always being willing to help or make presentations whenever he asked. He looks forward to joining us in New Mexico.

Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Cyndi Lauderdale, Secretary